Thursday, January 24, 2013

Teens' selfless act gets standing ovation

Tennessee Homecoming King Nominees Give Crown to Another Teen

I pray that this story touches your heart like it did everyone's at DYME Magazine! Sometimes it takes a wonderful act towards others, that can help change the position in your own. Please read and share. 




Tuesday, January 22, 2013

What The Heck Are They Doing??? LMAO!

What the Heck Are They Doing? LMAO, The Daggering Dance Taken too far!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Confirmed: New Pics Reveal CoCo Cheated On Ice!

CONFIRMED: Coco Cheating On Ice T Has Been Officially Confirmed, And AP 9 Threatened To Expose Coco!! -- Details Inside

According to Hollywood Street King (HSK), Coco was allegedly up to no good the night that pictures were taken of her cuddled up next to rapper AP.9.  There were various pics that hit the web of Coco posing with AP.9 inside of a nightclub, which were in essence very inappropriate considering the fact that she is married to Ice-T.  

Now a new photo has come forth from that very night of Coco cuddled up with a man named MustafaAbdi, a.k.a. Moose Diesel, inside of the same nightclub where she was photographed with AP.9.


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Carmelo Anthony And Kevin Garnett Beef!!!

Carmelo Anthony waited for Kevin Garnett at team bus, locker room after on-court incident (VIDEO)           



Saturday, January 5, 2013

Are You Sick? Superfoods That Fight Colds...FAST!

They say you are what you eat, so it makes sense that eating healthy foods can help you stay, er, healthy. "You can't underestimate the importance of good nutrition when it comes to...your immune system," says Karen Ansel, RD, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. "Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants—these are what keeps your body strong, and without them you're not giving your body the edge it needs to ward off infection." And we're not talking just fruits and vegetables: Foods from every food group are represented here. Make them a part of your diet for your best defense against colds and flu.
1. These pungent cloves do more than just flavor your food. Garlic also contains allicin, a sulfuric compound that produces potent antioxidants when it decomposes. A 2001 study in the journal Advances in Therapy found that people who took garlic supplements for 12 weeks between November and February got fewer colds than those who took a placebo. And of those who did get sick, those who took the garlic supplement felt better faster. Garlic packs the biggest antioxidant punch when eaten raw. Flavor too strong for you? Consider taking aged-garlic extract capsules.
2. Recent research suggests that vitamin C may not be as useful in preventing colds as once thought. However, studies do show that taking the vitamin at the first sign of illness may reduce a cold's duration by about a day, which can feel like a lifetime when you're suffering. Eating lots of citrus—whether that entails digging in to orange and grapefruit slices, or using lemons and limes in recipes—will provide plenty of this powerhouse nutrient. Don't worry about overdoing it, since it's very hard to overdose on vitamin C. Anything your body doesn't use is just washed right out of your system.
3. Oily fish—including salmon, tuna, and mackerel—are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, compounds that help reduce harmful inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation prevents your immune system from working properly, and can contribute to colds and flu as well as more serious diseases. Omega 3s may fight colds on more than one front. In a placebo-controlled 2011 study published in Brain, Behavior and Immunity, medical students who took fish oil supplements for three months had lower inflammation levels and also fewer symptoms of anxiety—a condition that can itself weaken immune function.
4. Zinc, an essential mineral, has a strong track record of fighting the common cold. A comprehensive review of the research, published in a Canadian medical journal in 2012, concluded that taking zinc lozenges appears to shorten the duration of cold symptoms in adults. Zinc supplements carry a risk of side effects such as nausea and headaches, however. A better bet, says Ansel, may be to get zinc straight from your diet. Oysters contain more of the nutrient per serving than any other food—but if you're concerned about staying healthy, you might not want to eat them raw. "Uncooked shellfish could contain harmful bacteria that could make you sick in other ways," Ansel says.
5. Like anise seeds, fennel is a natural expectorant, and can help clear chest congestion and soothe a persistent cough. The two foods have similar flavors, in fact, and in supermarkets fennel is sometimes referred to as anise, even though they're different plants. Fennel can be eaten raw or roasted, but you may get the best cold-fighting benefit from drinking a tea made from fennel seeds. Try Yogi Tea's Throat Comfort, or make your own with 1.5 teaspoons of fennel seeds and one cup boiling water. Steep for 15 minutes, strain, and sweeten with honey to taste.
6. Everyone knows a steaming hot cup of tea can help break up chest congestion and soothe a sore throat, but the benefits may run deeper. All tea—black, green, or white—contains a group of antioxidants known as catechins, which may have flu-fighting properties. In a 2011 Japanese study, people who took catechin capsules for five months had 75% lower odds of catching the flu than people taking a placebo. Need another reason to turn on the kettle? Other research suggests catechins may help boost overall immunity, rev metabolism, and protect against cancer and heart disease.
7. Ounce for ounce, pure cocoa contains more of the disease-fighting antioxidants known as polyphenols than most berries—and it's loaded with zinc, to boot. Too often, however, the nutritional benefits of cocoa are overshadowed by the sugar and saturated fat found in chocolate bars and other treats. To reap the immunity-boosting benefits without the unhealthy extras, stick with bite-sized portions—about one quarter-ounce per day—of dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 70% or higher. [Article courtesy of Amanda MacMillan For Yahoo! Health]
Are you tired of being sick? Superfoods That Fight Colds!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Jay-z Having Affair With Rita Ora???

On Wednesday night, the singer took to Twitter to slam reality star Holly Hagan for tweeting the allegation. Hagan, who appears on MTV UK‘s “Geordie Shore,” tweeted earlier this week, “I’ve been told to say that Rita Ora has been ALLEGEDLY bukin jay z! I repeat ALLEDGELY [sic].” “Apparently Beyonce denies such claims, but if I get cheated on I’d also deny it #embarrassing,” continued Hagen. In addressing the accusation, Ora noted that she’s already “stayed silent on one bulls*t” rumor but this one I have to speak.” “Neva eva will any1 including a red head dumb z listing attention seekin wh*re try talk sh*t about me& my family holly whateva da f*ck ur name is,” tweeted Ora. She went on to write, “Anyway I only speak when I have to and that was just f*ckin’ ridiculous that’s why I spoke.” Hagan, however, didn’t seem phased by Ora’s tweets, responding, “Oooopsy getting told off don’t shoot the messenger! Of course I’m only a Z-list why would anyone care what I say ;)” “You are all thick if u think just because someone’s absolutely stunning they won’t get cheated on…” she added later. “No relationship is perfect.” Ora’s tweets have since been deleted, and her mentor Jay-Z has not commented on the seemingly baseless allegations. [Story Courtesy of Gossip]

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Look How Big They Got!

Remember HOW CUTE Kimora And Djimon's Son Was When HE WAS A BABY .. . Well He's Growing Up To Be EVEN CUTER!!!
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Is Trey Songz Gay?

The man on the right in the pic (above) may look an awful lot like Trey Songz, but the R&B singer is flat out denying that it's him. When the pic recently surfaced, rumors went viral claiming that Trey was seen kissing another man in what looks like the back of a cab. Even though he's been battling gay rumors for years, Trey took to his Twitter to politely deny the whole thing, writing:
There certainly is a resemblance, but we believe him. We even know for a fact that the man in question is actually Enrique Araujo and the pic was taken from his Facebook. See, we knew it was just two other handsome gentlemen expressing their love for one another. Article Courtesy Of: